Monday, October 28, 2019

Meaningful Memorable Worship

"They pulled out all the stops" would be an apt description for the Reformation Service held yesterday, October 27, at Mountain View Lutheran Church in Apache Junction.  If you were not able to attend, stay tuned to this article.  At the conclusion I will tell you how your can see what you missed.  If you were there, I would imagine you went home with a thankful heart and a full stomach.

The service featured:
  • chimes, handbells, trumpets, organ and piano 
  • opening procession of cross, candle and 8 pastors
  • a community choir representing the several congregations of Circuit 28
  • the historic liturgy of the church from the "old" hymnal projected on screens and chanted in part by the liturgist, Pastor Tim Anderson
  • a powerful message reminding hearers of "the gift of grace" delivered by Pastor Mark Friedrich
  • congregational singing of solid standards of hymnody - 
    • A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
    • The Church's One Foundation
    • Lift High the Cross
  • celebration of the Lord's Supper
  • a special offering to benefit the shared ministry at Arizona State University
  • participation in leading worship by all 8 pastors
  • an organ/piano duet of "Amazing Grace"
  • red shirts, blouses, paraments and slide backgrounds on the screen
  • a fellowship meal following the service in the Family Life Center of the church
The Lutheran Reformation happened 502 years ago.  Led by Martin Luther, it sparked a major shift in Christianity across Europe and ultimately the world.  The pastor's message reminded us of the legacy of Luther which first and foremost is God's gift of grace for the sinner in us all.  

If you have read this far, you are invited to sit back, watch and enjoy the worship service on video as linked below.  Follow this link:  Reformation Service

Dan Seim
MVLC member

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Bozarth Family Newsletter • Fall, 2019

  • Note:  James Bozarth is a first year student at Concordia Seminary,   He is also the recipients of scholarship funds from Mountain View Lutheran Church.