Saturday, January 25, 2020

Back to the Old Way

The folding machine in the MVLC office recently broke down on the day before 750 bulletins needed folding for the Polka Service weekend.  What to do?  To top it off only one secretary was on duty.

Facebook to the rescue!  A note was posted calling for volunteers to show up at 9:00 am the next morning for a "folding party."  Most showed up before 9:00 am so that by 9:30 am the job was done.

"We should do this more often," was s frequently heard comment from group members.  It may happen again depending on how quickly the machine is repaired for replaced.

The New Way

The Old Way

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Thanks from Jonathan Kisker

Greetings Mountain View Lutheran,

My name is Jonathan Kisker and I have been the recipient of an Educational Scholarship to help me pursue my degree in Secondary Education Social Studies to allow me to teach in a Lutheran High School. I have made a video to help show a major aspect of my life here at Concordia University, Nebraska in Seward Nebraska. While recording it I used a device I was not familiar with and didn’t quite understand how it worked and in turn didn’t get the best audio and video I would like to help show my huge appreciation for your years of supporting me while attend Concordia. I sincerely apologize. You have helped me not just financially but spiritually through your prayers and words of encouragement that I have received from the Scholarship Committee and Congregation. Thank you again. I hope you enjoy! 

God’s Blessings on you all,
Jonathan Kisker

Jonathan Kisker is a senior at Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska.  He is currently student teaching at Aquinas High School in David City, Nebraska.  He has been active in the Drama Department at Concordia during his tenure as a student, with responsibilities for sound reproduction.  

Jonathan hails from Lincoln, Nebraska, having graduated from Lincoln Lutheran High School.  His grandparents are the Tuchenhagens who have wintered in Arizona and are active members of Mountain View Lutheran Church.  Upon graduation from Concordia, Jon is looking forward to a teaching career in a Lutheran high school or middle school.  He produced the video below as an expression of his thanks for four years of scholarship assistance.

Monday, January 6, 2020

To Save a Life


Faith In Action Lutheran Church is bringing  a full length movie by Samuel Goldwyn to our community.  It will be shown in the Family Life Center at Mountain View Lutheran Church in Apache Junction.

Suicide touches most everybody in some form.  My own son committed suicide at 23 years old about 30 years ago.  I still am affected by it.  The movie illustrates the life of our young in more ways than suicide.  They deal with issues we can only imagine.

About 50 suicide deaths in Arizona each year is average. Governor Ducey has signed a bill number 1468 to provide suicide training for high school staff.  Suicide is the second cause of death among the young.

By training the existing young in our churches to be disciples to their friends, it is possible to bring the lost souls to Jesus.  The more find Jesus the less will find suicide. Hope is the catalyst that will make this happen.

Join us in this effort by encouraging the youth and promoting the programs.  Anyone of our youth thinking anything about suicide should call this phone number- 602-248-8337. This is Teen Life Line whose mission is:  To provide safe, confidential and crucial crisis service where teens help teens make healthy decisions.

By Dale Laurin, member of MVLC and VP of FIALC.  