Friday, March 13, 2020

How Are We Responding to Coronavirus Threat

The pastors of Mountain View Lutheran Church have posted the following statement:

After much prayer and discussion, Pastor Mark Friedrich and Pastor Tim Anderson have decided that for the sake of our congregation, and the sake of Pastoral Care, we are going to commit to the following actions in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
1.     We will refrain from hugs and handshakes for the time being. Human contact is an important part of our life together, as we believe it reflects the love of Christ. Yet in this time and for now, an elbow or fist bump will need to suffice. And this always remains true: If you’re sick, stay home. 
2.     We will have careful procedures in place for our celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Pastors, communion preparers and communion distributors will wash their hands just prior to preparing or serving communion. We will continue to provide both the individual and common cups and encourage you to commune in the way you are most comfortable.  We will do what we can to provide a healthy and safe communing experience. 
3.     We will continue to offer our time, talents and treasures to the Lord. We will however be changing how we take the offering during our worship services for the time being. Instead of passing the offering plates, members will be encouraged to drop their offering and attendance cards with ushers during communion at the front of the church. This again will limit skin to skin contact. 
4.     We will maintain an exceptionally clean building. We have professional cleaning services for our church buildings and will keep our buildings as clean as we can.  
5.     We will continue to go to people in need. Your pastors and elders will continue to visit the sick and homebound. Christ went toward lepers and the sick, not away from them. However, we will also take all necessary precautions to do so in a safe way even as we refuse to abandon our neighbors in need. 
6.     We will pray AND sanitize. It is not either/or. It’s both/and. We do not practice a careless piety that says “pray,” but then acts recklessly. At the same time, we do not overestimate our precautionary health measures. Calamity is beyond our ability to control. The chaos of epidemic drives us to prayer and obedient trust. 
7.     We will not fear.  There’s a time for concern, but we refuse fear. The stock market may crash, but we remain generous. Sickness may spread, but we remain faithful. Our trust in God is not dependent on circumstances. We don’t claim faith only in times of blessing. God gets glory in all circumstances.  
8.     We covet your prayers. Continue to pray for us as a church during this time and for all our brothers and sisters in the faith. We will continue to serve you and need all of your support to do so. 
As more information comes out, we will update you. 
Pastor Mark Friedrich
Pastor Tim Anderson