Sunday, July 25, 2021

Summer News from the Bozarth Family

For the past two years, James Bozarth has been the recipient of scholarship funds from Mountain View Lutheran Church as he prepared for the pastoral ministry at  Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  He is now serving his vicarage year in Colombus, Indiana.  His recent newsletter updates the family's summer travels.

Back to the New Normal

Worship today, July 24, 2021 was "back to normal" in the words of an Elder who greeted us at the door.  It has been a long while since we experienced normal but here are some of the items I noted that were practiced in worship last year at this time.

  • There were no elders standing near the from door gathering offerings.
  • The elements of Holy Communion (wafer, wine) were available in the entry for anyone who did not wish to come forward to the communion rail.
  • Ushers gathered the offering after the sermon and brought it forward to the pastor.
  • Worship attendance cards were in racks in the pews and collected by an usher.
  • Hymns were sung by the congregation during the distribution of Holy Communion.
  • People sat near each other in the pews and visited with other worshippers before and after the service.
  • Hymn books, Bibles and attendance cards were back in the pew racks.  
  • Very few if any in attandance wore face masks.  (I didn't look around to check everyone.)
  • Reggie was his usual self, looking forward to ice cream for lunch.
  • The organist, Pastor Bob Stockman, was given a round of applause for serving as volunteer organist for the month of July while the congregation awaits the arrival of the new music director.
  • Pastor Mark acknowledged and thanked the "18 of so" volunteers who helped clean and organize the church on Saurday, July 23rd.
I admit that some of these items are not necessarily new, but it was good to be back to familiar territory for those of us who have endured changes over the past several months.  It was a far cry from those previous Sundays when we sat in our cars in the parking lot.  Glory to God!

Dan Seim