Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Look Up!

"I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."(Psalm 121: 1-2)

Have you ever gone hiking? It is so great to be in God’s creation and to explore the wonders he has given us. Over the years of hiking I have had many passages of scripture take on new and special meaning. Because of hiking this verse was one of the first verses that hit me with a wonderful meaning.

Have you ever tried to look up and walk? You may be able to do that on a flat side walk but while you are traversing rough trails your eyes need to be on the trail or you may stumble and fall. The only way you can look up is to stop and be in a safe place. This revealed to me that there are times in my life where I want and need God’s help but instead of stopping and waiting on the Lord I just keep focused on the task at hand. It is only when I stop and find a quiet place do I hear the gentle voice of my Savior. He draws my focus upwards towards him and away from the trials and tribulations of this life.

Take time to ponder these questions:

  • What am I focusing on this day?
  • Do I worry about my problems or am I being still and lifting up my eyes to the hills?
  • Do I really see that my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth?

Pastor Mark Friedrich, 
Mountain View Lutheran Church

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