Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Take a Look at Faith in Action

Going to church ordinarily involves a means of transportation, an appointed time and a place or destination.   An automobile, Sunday morning and a church building come together for an hour or so for the experience called "worship."  It usually involves a group of like-minded people who may come from a variety of places and backgrounds but meet for the common goal of worship, reflection, study and fellowship with each other.

A different model of church is emerging right here in Apache Junction, Arizona.  It is an online church which came about as a result of a challenge to use the Internet as a means of reaching out to young adults and youth.  Faith in Action Lutheran Church is an official member of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod and recognized as a member congregation of the Pacific Southwest District.

Although still in the formative stages, the church aims to be  "A place for you to make connections, ask questions, find answers, and become the person God wants you to be."   So far, the church is a location on the Internet:  https://faithinactionaz.org  The tabs on the website give some indication of the means by which the church intends to provide ministry to its "members."  There are tabs for:

  • Seekers
  • Live Church
  • Talk
  • Faith Talk Groups
  • Discipleship
  • Teaching
  • History
  • Resources
  • Donations
Many of the tabs are still under construction which could be frustrating for those interested in "attending" or "joining" this new church.  There are suggestions that some time goals have not been met.  Other online resources are currently available for those willing and interested in investing the time.  They are but a few clicks away.

The website indicates this church is based in Apache Junction, Arizona.  In reality, the world wide web has no boundaries.  Faith in Action could be world-wide.  It could also be a valuable resource to other congregations willing to add a link to their website.  Take a look for yourself!

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