Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Men Gather for Prayer, Food and Fellowship

Thursday mornings have become a weekly routine for 20-30 men connected to Mountain View Lutheran Church.  The breakfast gatherings at the Mirage Restaurant in Apache Junction begin at 7:00 am with conversation over a cup of coffee.  Many have "their chairs" at the long table where one waitress keeps cups filled and takes orders.  (She knows if you are new and gives you a menu.  Others have their breakfast choice memorized.)

Pastor Mark announces the prayer list for the week and calls attention to special needs before leading the group in prayer.  The devotional leader for the day shares a message from God's Word and a brief commentary.  Following that, the waitress returns to the room with the orders.  Somehow she keeps everyone straight, moving down the line with everything from pancakes as large as hubcaps to egg sandwiches, omelettes, and more.

One of the group members has prepared greeting cards for selected recipients recovering from illness, hospital stays or loss of loved ones.  These are circulated and signed before returning to the sender for mailing.   The waitress returned to present checks and receive payment.  

As the 8:00 hour approaches, Pastor Tim leads the group in singing a hymn.  On this day it is a chorus appropriate for the coming Lenten season.  On this day, I was a newcomer and didn't quite catch what happened following the hymn that signaled everyone to head for the door.  Someone at the far end of the table hollered out a statement and everyone responded by tapping the table in some sort of cadence.  When I return I will listen more closely for sit at the far end of the table.

I wonder if women have the same sort of morning routine.

Submitted by

Dan Seim

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