Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Families Helping Families

Mountain View Lutheran Church has partnered with over 60 other churches in the Greater Phoenix area to provide emergency housing for homeless families.  Families are given job counseling, food and shelter in a 60-day program which has proven to be 70% effective in moving families into sustainable housing.

In a recent week MVLC hosted 3 such families.  One of them included parents and four children.  They recently moved from Minneapolis to get away from a higher cost of living.  Dad is a carpenter and Mom is home school teacher for the children.  They arrived in Phoenix with no place to live.  "I Googled Family Promise and we reported to their center in Mesa, " Mom responded when asked how they got connected with the program.

During the day the families work from the public library and the Family Promise Center.  Dad was tracking down job leads.  At supper time they returned to MVLC where they were give a warm meal, spent time with volunteers playing games and then went to bed in the Family Life Center.  The Sisters of Strength women's group provided one of the meals.  Couples from the congregation also volunteered and many more purchased food and toiletries for the families.

Bonnie Gregrow, coordinated the week's activities.  "The chaperones all seemed to enjoy meeting and
playing with the families.  It is a JOY to know we are making a difference in their lives.  It is truly a handy NOT a hand out."

Family members are invited to join in the TNT (Tuesday Night Together) meal and Bible study and many times they are eager to participate.  The following video was produced by the Greater Phoenix organization and provides additional insights into the program.

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