Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Sharing Stephen Ministry Beyond our Church

On March 18, 2019 our Stephen Ministry group was invited to Roadhaven Resort to give a presentation on what Stephen Ministry is about and how it works.  Judy Root was the contact person for our group and Judy invited me to be part of the presentation.  The Roadhaven group consists of Christians from various churches.  They meet each week and I believe we were the last to make a prevention this season.

Judy spoke about the founding of Stephen Ministry by Kenneth Haugk and his wife Joan.  She included the number of churches in the Stephen Series, a map with the breakdown by state, and also what countries outside of the U.S. are involved in the program.

We showed a video that had testimonies from both Stephen Ministers and Care Receivers.  Following this I gave examples of how and what Stephen Ministers do.  Included were some of the basic issues that care receivers normally deal with and why a Stephen Minister is beneficial.  Confidentiality of conversations between these individuals was emphasized.

We shared examples of various books and pamphlets that we use in continuing education for our Stephen Ministers.  The Roadhaven group of Christians had a genuine interest in our ministry and how it works.  The general feedback was one of appreciation and some in the group showed interest in becoming Stephen Ministers in the future.  I believe that Christ was at work in all who attended and as a result this ministry will benefit many more who need the help we provide.

Submitted by Tom Kaib, Stephen Ministry Leader

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