Monday, November 4, 2019

An Outsider Visits a Lutheran Church

The video below was recently posted by several other Lutheran churches on the 502nd anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation.  The interviewer had never visited a Lutheran church and had lots of questions as he met with the pastor.  The church he chose to visit was St. Paul Lutheran Church of Hamel, Illinois. The pastor he interviewed is Pastor William Weedon, an assistant pastor of the congregation who also serves as Chaplain at the Synodical headquarters in St. Louis.

For those who are life-long Lutherans this interview provides a refresher on church theology and practices which might be taken for granted.  Things such as the liturgy, Sacraments, stained glass windows and church architecture are discussed as connections to Martin Luther and the Reformation. For those unfamiliar with Lutheran doctrine and practice, the video might provide good insights.

There is a follow up to the video which might also be of interest.  Enjoy!

This is the  follow-up video to the video above, as Pastor Weedon goes into depth about Lutheran theology and practice, responding to questions from "the outsider."  

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