Sunday, April 12, 2020

Holy Communion for Such a Time as This

In this time of a National Emergency due to a very contagious virus, churches have been forced to think of alternatives to corporate worship.  Thanks to the wonders of technology unheard of during the last pandemic in 1917, worship services have been streamed via the Internet to home computers and other devices.  Bible classes have continued and some offer interactive dialogue among the participants.

But what about the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion?  Many look forward to celebrating the Lord's Supper at the same time they celebrate Jesus' victory over sin, death and Satan. How can that happen while also practicing "social distancing"?

Leaders at Mountain View Lutheran Church came up with a plan for "drive through Communion."  Elders and pastors set up two stations and recruited others to handle traffic and provide musical background.  As worshipers drove up to one of the tents, a pastor provided a brief message, a blessing over the elements and directions for partaking.  The wine and bread were packaged in a sealed individual container.  The presentation was consummated with a prayer and participants were on their way home where they also view and participate in an Easter worship service prerecorded to the church website ( or on the church Facebook page.

All are hopeful that this temporary approach to worship will soon be over but in the meantime MVLC members and friends continue to be in touch with God's Word.

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