Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wanted: A Few Good Musicians

Mountain View has a strong tradition of music to enhance worship and a commitment to see it continue.  Unfortunately, several music leaders are no longer available to serve.  Here are some of the pluses of the music program as it operated in recent years:

  • varied worship styles including traditional, blended, country gospel and polka with worship services reflecting these styles
  • worship schedules including Saturday evening, Sunday morning and seasonal Wednesday services
  • choral groups - formal choir, men's choir, praise team
  • excellent audio visual support including live streaming capabilities
  • modern electronic organ
  • handbells and hand chimes
Some of these pluses are in need of leadership.  All are open to more participants.  If you are a regular member, consider joining a group.  If you are a seasonal member, your participation is welcome even though you may be here for only part of the year.  Talk to one of the pastors and indicate your interest.  He will put you in touch with the group.  

A quote from Martin Luther:

"I, Doctor Martin Luther, wish all lovers of the unshackled art of music grace and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ! I truly desire that all Christians would love and regard as worthy the lovely gift of music, which is a precious, worthy, and costly treasure given to mankind by God."

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