Monday, October 25, 2021

In Support of Farmhouse Daycare

 October 5, 2021

To: Congregation of Mountain View Lutheran

Jesus said, Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them everything I have commanded you."  Jesus also said "Let the little children come to me.  Do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of God."  Saint Paul says that we are to use the blessings that God has given us to make friends with the world.

We at Mountain View have had a vision in place to have a daycare, a preschool, a school, and retirement center here. When I came here, we had a preschool and kindergarten but because of our large debt we were not able to sustain this ministry. Over the years we’ve had different non-church businesses partnering with us by using our facility and allowing us to share Gods love and His Word with them. Among those were the Montessori preschool, a charter school, a Headstart program and now we have been asked by the Farmhouse Daycare to partner with them so that they might utilize our facility to minister to the families in our community. 

Our mission statement is: “As disciples of the Triune God, the mission of Mountain View Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word, sacraments and our deeds,  bringing Christ to the community and the world.”  I think partnering with the Farmhouse Daycare would be a wonderful opportunity to fulfill our mission and purpose in reaching families for Jesus.   These families would now be brought here by Jesus for us to share His love. 

I strongly support this effort and I hope and pray that you as a congregation would do the same.  I hope and pray that we here at Mountain View will take advantage of this opportunity that God is giving us. It won’t be easy, but we are called by Jesus to use what we have, to bring glory and honor to His name. 

Pastor Mark Friedrich

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