Monday, December 17, 2018

A Sign for the Times

Pastor Mark Friedrich placed the vision of a new more modern and visible sign for Mountain View Lutheran Church before the congregation back in 2017.  He envisioned a digital, lighted sign that would be visible to traffic going both east and west along Old West Highway in front of the church.  The cost was projected at around $50,000 and Pastor Mark invited those with an interest to consider a special gift.

The sign was completed just before Christmas!
Many responded so that by the summer of 2018 funds for the sign were in the bank and Billiamt LED Signs was contracted to move ahead with a new sign.  After several months of planning involving governmental approvals, work is underway.  Members of MVLC have contributed labor in running electricity out to the sign and helping in other ways.  Office workers are training to access the digital imaging the sign will enable.  It is hoped that the new sign will be operational by Christmas.  

Thanks to those who contributed to the Sign Fund and to others who have given of their time and talent to make it happen.  Hopefully, many who see the sign as they drive past will be drawn to see what good things are happening at Mountain View Lutheran Church, where the mission is to "bring Christ to the community and the world."

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