Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pastor Timothy Anderson Accepts Call to MVLC

Mountain View Lutheran Church issued a Divine Call to Pastor Timothy Anderson of Warwick, New York to serve the congregation as associate pastor.  On November 18, 2018, Pastor Tim informed Mountain View of his decision.  In part, here is his letter:

Dear Members of Mountain View Lutheran Church,

Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is with great joy and anticipation - that with this letter - I am announcing to you that the Lord has led me to accept His Divine Call to serve as your Associate Pastor at Mountain View Lutheran Church in Apache Junction, AZ.  At the same time, I will deeply miss the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church and the many connections I have made in my time here in Warwick, NY.

 I anticipate that my last Sunday at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Warwick, NY will be December 30, 2018.  After that, I will start making my way to you in Arizona, with the hope of being with you by the second week in January.  I also hope to be installed on January 20, 2019.  This day will need to be coordinated with Pastor Mark Friedrich, as well as with your circuit visitor and your district president.

One thing I promise you most of all, is that everything I do with and for you will be done with the message of 1 Corinthians 2 in mind; so that my words and deeds would reflect Christ and him crucified and the hope we have in the Gospel.  It is with that message at the heart of my ministry among you, that I look forward - with all due excitement - to working with Pastor Mark Friedrich and the staff of Mountain View, as well as with each of you.  I can't wait to begin to do the work that God has called us to do together for the sake of Apache Junction and His Kingdom.

Serving Him whom we adore.
Rev. Timothy W. Anderson

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