Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Something New!

This kind of communication may be new to some who might be used to more traditional means.  But in this day of 24-hour news cycles, people are getting information in less conventional ways.  So the purpose of Mountain Views is to share brief items of news from Mountain View Lutheran Church, offer opinions over a signature, and communicate to people both inside and outside the congregation.

There are other available means for communication.  If you attend MVLC, you know the Sunday bulletin offers lots of news about coming events and related ministries.  You can peruse the church's website ( and learn the basics about the church.  You are welcome to attend activities and events at the church and meet people who are more than happy to share information.  If you have questions, you can call the church office (480--982-8266) and friendly office people will do their best to respond.  Email ( is also a possible means of getting and giving information.

Mountain Views will attempt to offer brief articles about topics which may be of interest to you the reader.  If you have suggestions for other topics or authors, feel free to make suggestions to  There is much to offer, but MVLC exists primarily to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Join us to hear that message communicated loud and clear each weekend.