Monday, December 31, 2018

Attracting and Retaining Young Adults to our Church

It is fairly obvious to those attending worship at Mountain View Lutheran Church, that a large majority of folks in attendance are not in the millennial generation (defined by Pew Research as between the ages of 22 and 37 in 2018).  A recent article in the Reporter, a publication of the LC-MS, shared results of a recent research project on young-adult retention in the church.  This group now comprises 35% of the U.S. labor force and in 2019 will be the largest segment of the U. S. population.

The LC-MS Youth Ministry study involved a survey of congregations on youth retention, a survey of young adults who have ever had a connection with the LC-MS and a series of focus group discussions with young adults.

Some conclusions that emerged directly from the focus groups were that young adults:

  • Desire to connect at church with people in their own peer group but put an even higher importance on good theology and an overall welcoming environment at church.
  • Are interested in building relationships and receiving advice and mentoring from church members who are outside of their own age group.
  • Want to serve and make a difference in the community.
  • Want to be leaders but understand they need to be trained to do so.
  • Want their church to talk about difficult issues such as mental health and sexuality.
  • Are not a simple or homogeneous group but come from a variety of ages and stages in life, from those entering college to those who are starting careers and families.
  • Feel misunderstood and/or ignored when they hear older adults being critical of their generation.
For MVLC, these conclusions may be helpful insights for future ministry, as the congregation seeks ways and means of reaching out and retaining this younger generation.  On January 20, Rev. Timothy Anderson, a member of the millennial generation,  will be installed as Associate Pastor, which could be a first step in this direction.

 To read the news release cited above, see

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Cantata:  A cantata is a work for voice or voices and instruments of the baroque era. From its beginnings in 17th-century Italy, both secular and religious cantatas were written. The earliest cantatas were generally for solo voice with minimal instrumental accompaniment.

Back in November Judy Watters, the music director at MVLC announced that there were plans to present a cantata to the congregation and those interested were to come to the first rehearsal.  With no sure means of knowing who or how many would come she ordered 12 sets of music in soprano, alto and bass format.  "About that many came, but the group kept growing each week as friends were invited to join," Judy recalls.  By the time of dress rehearsal 25 singers were ready to perform.

The group melded together well with a balance of men and women and good distribution of the three parts.  The performance was set for December 16 in two worship services.  "Often I can't understand the words of some choral presentations, but this was different.  There was good enunciation and with the help of some familiar Christmas melodies, it was very easy to follow," was how one congregation member described the performance.

A cantata had not been presented at MVLC for several years, but based on congregational response, this will not be the last. "I hope we can work on another one soon," was Judy's assessment.

To hear the cantata in it's entirety, go to this video:

Monday, December 17, 2018

A Sign for the Times

Pastor Mark Friedrich placed the vision of a new more modern and visible sign for Mountain View Lutheran Church before the congregation back in 2017.  He envisioned a digital, lighted sign that would be visible to traffic going both east and west along Old West Highway in front of the church.  The cost was projected at around $50,000 and Pastor Mark invited those with an interest to consider a special gift.

The sign was completed just before Christmas!
Many responded so that by the summer of 2018 funds for the sign were in the bank and Billiamt LED Signs was contracted to move ahead with a new sign.  After several months of planning involving governmental approvals, work is underway.  Members of MVLC have contributed labor in running electricity out to the sign and helping in other ways.  Office workers are training to access the digital imaging the sign will enable.  It is hoped that the new sign will be operational by Christmas.  

Thanks to those who contributed to the Sign Fund and to others who have given of their time and talent to make it happen.  Hopefully, many who see the sign as they drive past will be drawn to see what good things are happening at Mountain View Lutheran Church, where the mission is to "bring Christ to the community and the world."

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Pastor Timothy Anderson Accepts Call to MVLC

Mountain View Lutheran Church issued a Divine Call to Pastor Timothy Anderson of Warwick, New York to serve the congregation as associate pastor.  On November 18, 2018, Pastor Tim informed Mountain View of his decision.  In part, here is his letter:

Dear Members of Mountain View Lutheran Church,

Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is with great joy and anticipation - that with this letter - I am announcing to you that the Lord has led me to accept His Divine Call to serve as your Associate Pastor at Mountain View Lutheran Church in Apache Junction, AZ.  At the same time, I will deeply miss the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church and the many connections I have made in my time here in Warwick, NY.

 I anticipate that my last Sunday at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Warwick, NY will be December 30, 2018.  After that, I will start making my way to you in Arizona, with the hope of being with you by the second week in January.  I also hope to be installed on January 20, 2019.  This day will need to be coordinated with Pastor Mark Friedrich, as well as with your circuit visitor and your district president.

One thing I promise you most of all, is that everything I do with and for you will be done with the message of 1 Corinthians 2 in mind; so that my words and deeds would reflect Christ and him crucified and the hope we have in the Gospel.  It is with that message at the heart of my ministry among you, that I look forward - with all due excitement - to working with Pastor Mark Friedrich and the staff of Mountain View, as well as with each of you.  I can't wait to begin to do the work that God has called us to do together for the sake of Apache Junction and His Kingdom.

Serving Him whom we adore.
Rev. Timothy W. Anderson

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Something New!

This kind of communication may be new to some who might be used to more traditional means.  But in this day of 24-hour news cycles, people are getting information in less conventional ways.  So the purpose of Mountain Views is to share brief items of news from Mountain View Lutheran Church, offer opinions over a signature, and communicate to people both inside and outside the congregation.

There are other available means for communication.  If you attend MVLC, you know the Sunday bulletin offers lots of news about coming events and related ministries.  You can peruse the church's website ( and learn the basics about the church.  You are welcome to attend activities and events at the church and meet people who are more than happy to share information.  If you have questions, you can call the church office (480--982-8266) and friendly office people will do their best to respond.  Email ( is also a possible means of getting and giving information.

Mountain Views will attempt to offer brief articles about topics which may be of interest to you the reader.  If you have suggestions for other topics or authors, feel free to make suggestions to  There is much to offer, but MVLC exists primarily to share the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Join us to hear that message communicated loud and clear each weekend.